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The City's CSO LTCP Quarterly Progress Report


Updated: Sep 29, 2020

Every quarter the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) submits a progress report to NY Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) on the City’s Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Long Term Control Plans (LTCP) and posts it on their website. Here is the Q4 2017 report.

Below are some of our quick takeaways for the last quarterly report (2017 Q4):

While we are encouraged to see an accelerated timeline for Flushing Bay and further evaluation of Newtown Creek’s aeration system, we are concerned that chlorination is going forward in Alley Creek, Hutchinson River, and Flushing Creek despite ongoing community concern and unanswered questions about potential residual chlorine toxicity in these waterways.

Alley Creek: DEP certified initiation of final design for a chlorination facility by O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc. Design is projected to be complete in April 2021, 5 months before deadline. Alley Creek Plan

Bronx River: The approved LTCP for the Bronx River is to redirect CSO from HP-007 and HP-009 to the East River. DEP advertised an RFP for this work in August and received proposals in October. DEP anticipates to initiate design October 2018, 1 month after deadline. Bronx River Plan

East River/Open Waters: LTCP is due to DEC in December 2018. DEP held the first of three kick-off meetings in late January 2018, this one focusing on Hudson and Harlem Rivers. DEP is currently soliciting public input for this LTCP.

Flushing Bay: DEP began drafting the RFP for design of the CSO tunnel. DEP anticipates to initiate design in January 2019, 18 months ahead of deadline. Flushing Bay Plan

Flushing Creek: DEP advertised an RFP for the chlorination facility and floatables control in October and received proposals in November. DEP anticipates to initiate design October 2018, 1 month after deadline.

Hutchinson River: DEP advertised an RFP for the chlorination facility in August and received bids in September. DEP anticipates to initiate design in October 2018, 4 years before deadline. Hutchinson River Plan

Jamaica Bay: LTCP is due to DEC in June 2018. At the time of writing, DEP anticipated that potential alternatives would be presented and retained alternative would be selected by January 2018. However, there has not yet been a public meeting scheduled to our knowledge. DEP anticipates to select a recommended plan in April 2018.

Newtown Creek: Enhanced aeration has been put on hold pending review of the Newtown Creek LTCP.

Green Infrastructure Implementation: DEP has implemented green infrastructure to manage a total of 473 acres (0.6% coverage). DEP anticipates completing their contingency plan (1.5% coverage) in 2019 and 2020. Green Infrastructure Plan Every year, DEP issues a progress report on the Green Infrastructure Plan. Here is the 2016 Annual Report. The 2017 Report is due out in early 2018.

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