Image: EXPO Gowanus, Gowanus Canal Conservancy
Factsheets & Reports
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SWIM and its partners regularly publish briefing materials on critical stormwater issues. These factsheets and reports are meant to educate and empower local communities, public officials, businesses, and media.
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Factsheet: CSO Long Term Control Plans (LTCP)
Here is an overview of the Long Term Control Plan process, waterbody-specific strategies to reduce CSO events. We believe it is critical that local stakeholders have a voice in the plans. Below are factsheets based on the latest LTCPs drafted by the City.
Clean Water Principles for New York City
Many SWIM organizational members have also signed onto our Clean Waterway Principles for New York City, meant to ensure fishable and swimmable waters citywide. These principles have been shared with DEP and DEC, as well as with the NYC Council, borough presidents, NYC Mayor’s Office, and other elected officials. Their foundation includes:
Ensure decision making is inclusive and transparent
Meet federal health standards
Focus on reducing volume and frequency of CSOs throughout the city
Do not kick the can down the road
Prioritize green infrastructure
Protect communities and guarantee equity
Protect fish and coastal habitat by reducing nitrogen pollution
Develop smarter and fairer approaches to funding water quality infrastructure
Use a holistic planning approach to address all pollution sources in all New York City waters
waterbody-specific LTCP Action alerts
In March 2017, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) approved five long term control plans (LTCP) submitted by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
SWIM and our partners are concerned that the proposed plans, which can be found on the DEP's website, will leave behind hundreds of millions of gallons of completely untreated sewage overflow per year. Red more in our action alerts below:
waterbody-specific factsheets
Want to learn more about the issues that impact your local waterway? Check out SWIM's factsheets:
Forthcoming: Gowanus Canal, Harlem River, Hutchinson River